Thursday, June 05, 2008

Animal encounters...

When I started walking I used to have all kinds of encounters with neighborhood dogs. My family has had dogs all of my life so I was never too scared, but one neighbor had an American bulldog that just made me nervous. He just looked mean and the fact that he barked, growled and foamed at the mouth whenever I'd walk by his gate kind of gave me the idea that he might like to have me for an afternoon snack. Eventually though he disappeared and I made friends with all of the other dogs.

My other animal encounters include wild peacocks (lemme tell you, those guys make some awful noises and can be extremely intimidating), deer, snakes of various kinds, and an occasional tarantula.

The snakes are probably my least favorite...I am making progress though...I'm not able to let them slither across the street before I walk by, where last year I was screeching and running in the opposite direction. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.